Quick Start Guide

We’ll explain a simple example to help you understand what Kapow! can do and why it is so awesome :-).


In this example we’ll consider that our scenario is a corporate network like this:


Our organization has an external host that acts as a bridge between our intranet an the public Internet.


Our team must be able to check if the Internal Host is alive on an ongoing basis.

Limitations and Constraints

  1. We don’t want to grant access to the External Host to anybody.
  2. We don’t want to manage VPNs or any similar solutions to access Internal Host from the Internet.
  3. We want to limit the actions that a user can perform in our intranet while it is checking if Internal Host is alive.
  4. We want to use the most standard mechanism. Easy to use and automate.
  5. We don’t have a budget to invest in a custom solution.

The Desired Solution

After analyzing the problem and with our goal in mind, we conclude that it is enough to use a simple ping to Internal Host.

So, the next step is to analyze how to perform the ping.

Accessing via SSH to External Host

If we choose this option, then, for every person that needs to check the status of Internal Host we need to create a user in the External Host and grant them ssh access.


This is not a good idea, because:

  1. We’d need to manage users (violates a constraint).
  2. We’d need to grant users access to a host (violates a constraint).
  3. We would not be able to control what options the user could provide to ping (violates a constraint).

Develop and Deploy a Custom Solution

OK, this approach could be the best choice for our organization, but:

  1. We’d need to start a new project, develop, test, manage and maintain it.
  2. We’d need to wait for for the development to be production ready.
  3. We’d need a budget. Even if we have developers in our organization, their time it’s not free.


This is not a good idea, because:

  1. We’d need to spend money (violates a constraint).
  2. We’d need to spend time (and time is money, see reason #1).

Using Kapow! (spoiler: it’s the winner!)

OK, let’s analyze Kapow! and check if it is compatible with our constraints:

  1. Kapow! is Open Source, so it’s also free as in beer.
  2. By using Kapow! we don’t need to code our own solution, so we don’t have to waste time.
  3. By using Kapow! we can run any command in the External Host, limiting the command parameters, so it’s safe.
  4. By using Kapow! we can launch any system command as an HTTP API easily, so we don’t need to grant login access to External Host to anybody.


Kapow! is the best choice, because it satisfies all of our requirements.

Using Kapow!

In order to get our example scenario working we need to follow the steps below.

Install Kapow!

Follow the installation instructions.

Write a ping.pow File

Kapow! uses plain text files (called pow files) where the endpoints you want to expose are defined.

For each endpoint, you can decide which commands get executed.

For our example we need a file like this:

$ cat ping.pow
kapow route add /ping -c 'ping -c 1 | kapow set /response/body'

Let’s dissect this beast piece by piece:

  1. kapow route add /ping - adds a new HTTP API endpoint at /ping path in the Kapow! server. You have to use the GET method to invoke the endpoint.
  2. -c - after this parameter, we write the system command that Kapow! will run each time the endpoint is invoked.
  3. ping -c 1 - sends one ICMP ping packet to the Internal Host.
  4. | kapow set /response/body - writes the output of ping to the body of the response, so you can see it.

Launch the Service

At this point, we only need to launch kapow with our ping.pow:

$ kapow server ping.pow

Kapow! can expose the user interface through HTTPS, to do this provide the corresponding key and certificates chain paths at startup:

$ kapow server --keyfile path/to/keyfile --certfile path/to/certfile ping.pow

Consume the Service

Now we can call our newly created endpoint by using our favorite HTTP client. In this example we’re using curl:

$ curl http://external.host/ping
PING 10.10.100 (10.10.100): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 10.10.100: icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=1.425 ms

et voilà !, if you’re using HTTPS don’t forget to provide the CA certificate if needed:

$ curl --cacert path/to/CAfile https://external.host/ping
PING 10.10.100 (10.10.100): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 10.10.100: icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=1.425 ms

Under the Hood

To understand what’s happening under the hood with Kapow! let’s see the following diagram:


As you can see, Kapow! provides the necessary mojo to turn a system command into an HTTP API.